Happy Mail Day...

I arrived home from a friend's house yesterday to a very flat package from Alabama.

A while back Mz. Monica of Girlgonethreadcrazy fame inquired about buying a face mold from me. I am a big fan of this woman's work. Her dolls are awesome and her mixed media art quilts speak to me. I suggested a trade. I have been trying to do trades for art for a little while now. It's a great way to add to my tiny but growing collection of original art.

I sent her roving, the mold she requested, a bunch of fabric collage sheets and a hand made pin cushion. And this, THIS is what I got! (click on the picture to see a bigger view)

I am over the moon for this piece. I have been hanging it in different places around the studio to find it's perfect home.
Monica, thank you thank you, thank you!

Is it easy being green?

You Are Teal Green

You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you.
Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible.
While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks.
Your warm personality nicely counteracts any strange habits you may have.

Anatomy of a boy's swim trunks...

Ok, I recognize that the reason for the mesh lining in swim trunks is to keep "frank and beans" (as they are affectionately referred to in our house) from chafing or escaping or something. However, for my guy they act as nothing more than a sieve. He spends a lot of time cavorting on the bottom of the lake and yesterday when he emerged, there was a full quarter cup of gravel in the bottom of the mesh portion of the trunks! All the finer particles had washed out and he was left with something you could use on a walkway. Can you say uncomfortable? Ick!
I have removed the offending mesh with my trusty Fiskars and my boy is now swimming commando style with the fishies! Life is good.

(Safety day at the beach)