November Fun...

Our school made the local paper front page!
The kids are pictured coloring Day of the Dead skull masks.
As a start up parent –teacher organization we needed a way to start generating funds. Rather than just have a fundraiser just for the sake of fundraising, we felt we needed our event to reflect our mission statement. Which is to...
“Enhance the educational and social experiences that our children have at ISLA by enriching the curriculum and providing the school community with social activities.” I was the Chair for this event and it totally rocked. Unfortunately I didn't take a single picture, I was so busy playing hostess and cruise director. I even asked my friend Ronda to make a set of skulls for me for earrings, they were a big hit!

This Day of the Dead celebration was a wonderful family event celebrating the unity between life and death and a way to honor loved ones that have died. We had crafts including tissue paper flowers and skull masks, face painting, Loteria and pan de Muertos (bread of the dead). One of our moms painted a giant sugar skull face and turned it into a bean bag toss game.
We didn't do an alter this year (didn't want to freak people out) but maybe next year.

I think this is going to become one of my favorite holidays ...

On turning 40...

I have to say... no big whoop.

On Tuesday, the sun rose, just like it always does, the kids woke up smiling and my Diet Coke was waiting in the fridge for me.
I spent the day with my sister and Mom at the MOA, playing hookey. We ate fabulous sushi at Tiger Sushi and wondered what it is about this time of year that makes designers say "hell yes, Lurex is an awesome thing to add to clothing".
For the evening, hubby asked folks to join us at Jimmy's, my new favorite place on the planet. They have this Gorgonzola and Mushroom Gratin shared plate that is to die for!! We had a wonderful array of food and cocktails and even made my dad blush a little bit, and more laughing than should be allowed (especially when you are still coughing up your lungs).
I enjoyed my 30's but I keep hearing from people that the 40's are even better.
I say, Bring it on!

Trick or Treat...

It was a rousing succes! Not too cold. This was Z's first year out and she loved it and was very polite. Robyn had a blast helping her say all the required bits and holding her hand in the dark.

We started the evening with pumpkin soup and sloppy joes at my mom's. My parent's neighborhood is the best for trick or treating. We see the kids we grew up with , with their children and it really turns into a block party.

When we finally got home the big kids had to to the sorting ritual while I put Z to bed. Last year they could keep anything they could get into a gallon ziplock bag.
This year, I gave them quart size instead and they didn't even blink. Anything chocolate that doesn't fit in their bag goes into the MAMA bag and after that we start either throwing it away or I add it to packages I send out.

We love dressing up in our house and the kids have already started thinking about next year. Q noticed some bigger kids running from house to house, not really wearing any costumes, just sports jerseys and he was appalled. I believe his actual words were "how boring!" I love that kid.
We had a chat about how as you get older it isn't really appropriate to Trick or Treat, especially if you don't have a costume. The exceptions being, if you take a younger sibling out or you have a super cool costume.

This is what showed up at my parents toards the end of the evening...

It's a friggin' ghost ship!! We were all very impressed.

Must dash, more festivities tonight and I am the hostess. Just wait till you see what I have been up too!