This is what I made today! It's all Lora's fault. She did a felted sweater purse and I had to try it. Note, if you have a front loading washing machine the felting process doesn't work very well. I had to wash the sweater 3 times in mine and THEN take it to my sister's and use her regular agitator style to get it good and felted. There is one more purple sweater and 2 greens waiting a purse fate. I even tried a zipper pocket this time. I think I can handle doing it this way. I have never enjoyed attaching zippers. I blame a VERY bad Home Ec. teacher back in Jr. High. The little felt flower I made but it is based on one I bought at Michael's. they even had felt beads. I so very much want to get all the felt beads from here, maybe if I sell a few purses... Robyn is having fun playing with the felt too and loved the idea of the beads. Yes, I could try making them but wet felting is way to harsh for my hands.