Because 9 presser feet just weren't enough...

I had to go and buy some more. My old machine didn't have all sorts of fancy doo hickeys with it, a very basic machine that did what I needed it to do at the time.
Well, I have a lovely new Kenmore, not computerized 9that seemed a tad over kill for me) but it cam with nine presser feet and I have tried most of them. I was looking through the catalog of accesories and they had hemmer feet. Hemmer feet? They do that nice rolled hem on the bottoms of skirts and skirts and the like. Since I am in a skirt making mood I had to have them.
Ok, I know I am easily amused but bear with me, ok?
Wish me luck, I host 8 kiddoes here in the am tomorrow and 24 family and friends in the evening! I love to entertain but I may need a vacation after this one!