Thank goodness for shade gardens. We just had the hottest Memorial Day weekend in the last 18 years, as in Africa hot, high humidity and hot wind weather. Great for the pool, not so much when you are amending the cutting garden that is in full sun.
I got the the bed all turned and ready for seeds. it's next to the garage and we are planning on rebuilding in a few years, so it's easiest to just do seeds and annuals for now. My tan is coming along nicely but I needed to cool off a bit so I decided it was time to plant the blue bottles in the shade garden.
Last year this bed was nothing but lily of the valley (ick) I dug it all out, not easy and there is still some coming in, I may leave a little bit but the rest has to go. My mom gave me some of her hostas and I divided some that came with the house. It is still a work in progress, I would like to add some different shade plants but for now most of my color comes from my blue bottles.
Here they are in seed form...
this is the seedling stage with bamboo stalks. Eventually they will mature and the stalks will become 1/2" copper pipe ...
and finally a shot of the garden with the birdbath. Notice how the glass blobs on the saucer pick up the blue in the bottles, so pretty.