feeling the pull from many directions...
I want to enjoy the last nice bits of weather we are having here (Z and I hit the Arboretum the other day for a hike and some photos)
Have loads of ideas for the beaded faces, need to just sit still and stitch.
I have a show on October 12 for the handbags and accesories, feel I need a bunch more bags, I have 2 sitting on my worktable right now that need handles and linings.
Zara is having a birthday party on Sunday, she turns 2 next week!
and the capper is coping with the school board's decision to look at the possibilty of closing my children's school. Poor Q had a melt down the other night and sobbed for 20 minutes at the idea of having to ride the bus and going to a different building.
I'll keep you posted on the developments. It most likely will not be very pretty.