The next best thing to hibernation is nesting. So that's what I did this weekend.
I tidied and dusted. Finally came up with a new mantel scape, 14 pounds of river rocks and some IKEA candles and voila, atmosphere!
While thrifting I found a dresser that is perfect for a sofa table/ console thingy. It's solid wood, probably birch and has some water marks and scratches on the top but with a runner, you don't even see them. Eventually I will paint or refinish the piece but for now, it's perfect for holding hats and mittens and the other flotsam this house tends to generate. Everything at the thrift store was 50% this weekend, I paid $12.50! I picked up new knobs at Home Depot so grand total for said piece is $27.50! I love thrifting!
I also finished up some wee friends for Zara. They live in the dollhouse Santa brought for the kids this year. I needle felted them using pipe cleaners for the armature. I am going to add these to the 40 doll project but only count them as one, since they are a duo.
Once again, it's the handwork that brings my head around. As I finished them, I realized the technique would work really well for another doll I had planned, so I started a larger armature and have been happily felting away today. The sun has set, so no pictures of the progress right now, I'll try tomorrow.