Check out this post from Lori. All you have to do is add the link to your blog or website and she will arrange for you to get a giclee print of your owrk. I have been thinking of having some of my work printed this way so this is a great way to get my feet wet. Plus, lori is a super cool and talented chick! Go, post the link and enjoy!
Ok, other cool chicks named Lori, actually Lora, sent me this wee sock blocker key ring
just 'cause I was able to tell her where to get some super cute fabric she was looking for. Thanks Darlin'!
I love the internet,I have met so many wonderful people in cyber land and IRL.
I must dash, Anakin Skywalker just landed behind a big heavy book shelf and my wee Jedi is whinging. All is well. Anakin has been rescued.