Written by Dulcey, amended by me...
"Marya, Robbie, Carol and I had a lazy morning this morning, getting up a bit later, relaxing and chatting. Marya went out in her pj's to the place next door for breakfast sandwiches on lovely croissants, and we drank coffee or chai.
Then in one hour, we did the following: Went to Lincoln Center and looked around the plaza, and then went to the Times Warner building -- the top floors are a hotel with tons of design features from Chihuly -- lights, sculpture, elevator doors, engravings. It was called the Oriental Mandarin? Something like that, gorgeous old kimono on display, etc. We did go up to the 23rd (I'm winging it) floor of the hotel and look at the lobby and its view of Central Park. Wow. Then to the 'shopping mall' part of Times Warner. There was a brand new exhibit of photographs there -- the ones that move when you change your angle -- of actors and entertainers. Like the Beatles walking across the street. Way cool. We went to Columbus Circle, and looked at the Hearst Publishing Company's new green building. As I understand, it is totally self-contained. Water, electricity, everything. Then we went shopping at one of Marya's favorite stores, which unfortunately was losing its lease. Bought stuff.
Back to the apartment for maybe 15 minutes, and the shuttle to the airport came early, and off to the airport to wait, eat, wait, board, wait, fly, nap, talk, and go home. Reacquaint ourselves with our families, and off to bed. "
Did you catch the part about 1 hour! Crazy fun was had by all. I will go and photograph my goodies so you have soemthing to see. And then we can get back to making and showing art.