Lordy, I have hit the wall with winter. Tired of gray, being chilled, jeans and sensible shoes. I want green lawns and wispy little skirts. have you SEEN the stuff at Boden lately?
Been sick alot too, just cold stuff and one heck of case of laryngitis. I went out anyway and by the end of the night I sounded like Minnie Mouse and was saying very rude and inappropriate things, I totally cracked myself up. That's gone but now I feel the tickle of a new cold, ick.
I spent some time going through my photo files and realized I have made a ton of stuff and had very little show and tell. So while I try to rid myself of the new germs, I will be posting some goodies I have made.
One more bit of news from the yellow house, Z is finally wearing panties! After 8 some years of changing diapers, I am done, done, done. The turning point was she wanted to play in Smal land at IKEA and you must wear panties to join the fun.
Emulsion lift samples for a fabulous new adventure, to be talked about soon!