3/7 or do I really have to?

Hard to get motivated today. The cold temps are back and it's been very gray. I seem to be solar powered so it's a struggle to want to do anything but stay under the blankets. I cranked the heat in the studio and made sure the full spectrum light was shining almost in my eyes and got to work. I finished the rectangle painting. I like how balanced the negative spaces appear but that's about it. Tomorrow we start on a still life and I  believe that will be in gray scale so I'm thinking I am going to have to play with color when I get home.


I wasn't feeling very creative so I popped over to The Sketchbook Challenge and decided to give this challenge a try. I curled up on the couch and just made marks on paper. I used a micron pen because I may going over it with color at some point but I think a gel roller would feel better and be easier on my hands. I love how the circles look like cells. The repetitive nature of the drawing allowed me to once again clear my mind and just BE. This would be a great project to do with people who say they can't draw. The artist who created the challenge, Carol Sloan, also has a tutorial on using graph paper on your journal pages. This idea would be awesome for people that feel they need structure or need some order in  their lives. Looks like I need to pick up some graph paper soon.