Saturday the kids were still sick so we spent time lounging and hanging out. I found small moments to make art. I added layers of colors to an art journal book, those blank white pages are terrifying. My son has been asking me to rescue a tshirt of his. he loved the graphics but the shirt itself was too small. I cut out the image and appliqued it on to a new shirt. I love working with my machine. It's hard to see but there are several rows of stitching, trying to make it look jagged and cool. he was pleased and was happy to model for me.
Since I had the machine going I finally got around to enhancing my "studio pants". the jeans I wear when I am being messy. I am tall and the pants were too short and it has really started to bug me, I get twitchy sometimes if things aren't right, other times I am not bothered at all. i was bothered. I used part of a velvet curtain and some lovely trim to add length to my pants. It's silly but it makes me happy.
All these little arting bits added up. I remembered an image from Lesley Riley's blog many years ago about blocks of time and it has stayed with me. I was reminded of it during a class on working with clients with ADHD. We were taught a method of creating blocks of time on a calendar so they can "see time". This is a great way to help get organized.
I have started using this method myself. Breaking things down into smaller chunks makes them seem more possible. Riley used the block image again in her book, Quilted Memories and goes on to suggest ways to be able to create art at a moments notice. first thing on the list is "keep your art supplies together." Guess I better get back to organizing my art space.